Tuesday 13 September 2011

Against the sun

                                                       AGAINST THE SUN

Life is an extraordinary gift of god to human. The responsibility of god to a human after giving life is over. Then, the human has to get it going on his own way. Whether he selects the right way to live or the wrong way is something he has to decide, in any case he still remains a human. For those who select the right way the world becomes a heaven but  those who select the wrong way make others world a hell. God made human but what did human do? .He destroyed God. God sent human on this world to live his life freely.

The people who die young are said to be god’s favorites because god needed them more than their beloved ones. Those who die young are said to take another birth to complete the tasks that they’ve left incomplete in their previous birth. Before giving human a new life god tells human – “My dear child go and complete your incomplete tasks and come back when I call you”. Human accepts the proposal happily but when his task is over why does he fear death. DEATH IS JUST A RECALLING OF GOD TO MAN TO THE ETERNAL LIFE. 
All of us know that we have to die one day or the other and we are not going to take a single penny with us to the god’s world. Then,why do we stake whole of our life earning money. Why a beggar also asks for the money when he also knows that he’s also going to die one day.

The people who choose the right way to live, just have cordial feelings for everyone, be it an angel or a demon. To be true a god’s child is a person who doesn’t have any evil feelings for anyone.

People are not born great the growing years are the great years of success.

Imagine!!!! The whole universe is an unknown and unexplored. The stars, the planets and this universe is so unknown for human and we are just strolling, playing doing other activities. We are all alone in this mighty creation of god. God made us to cure his loneliness and what did we do just asked god for the things we needed or I should say begged before God. The eternal destination not man shouldn’t be in achieving money or any material possession. Man must get bored from his life and wait for god to take him to the eternal world. When god will come he will say – “Come my dear child let me show you the real destination of a man ….THE HEAVENS. Come my child you’ve played your part you’ve done a lot for this world. COME.”

Sunday 28 August 2011

Flowing against the wind

What I have observed in my 13 years of life I have understood every aspect of human life but the main point of foundation of life I have never understood in these 156 months is HUMAN TENDENCY. The character of a human, I think I will not understand in my next 20-40 years but what I understood is the interfering nature of a human. What I observe is that when you are sitting ideal just as a sculpture, few people are eyeing you. These people are those who are at work. I simply don’t understand why people have to interfere in one’s work. “ANYBODY AT LEISURE INCURS EVERYONE’S DISPLEASURE’’. It means a person tired of daily grinds in his life is just relaxing and there comes a interferer he tries his best to make that person work in any condition. If that is not enough then he will advice you that “If you don’t work today you‘ll have to work tomorrow, so better work today so you will not have to work tomorrow”. This is what I hate the most if one has to rest other has to interfere. If that is not enough to shake you from your leisure then they will give you moral advices that work is a great medicine and all that. One thing is clear to all of us that if one have to rest than the other has to work. Then people will give examples of great people like Edison, Newton and many more. Then after all this advices and suggestions one gets frustrated and just walks out of there. Why one has to interfere if you are jealous of a person who is sitting ideal then why don’t you hurry to complete your work so you can too rest and join that person? Most of people tend to forget that if that person is sitting ideal then if we only concentrate on our work then tomorrow we might be resting and that person might be doing work.  These all small-small things we tend to forget in our busy life but these small aspects give us a guiding light to our troubles and tribulations about to come in our remaining life. These small things give us an image of the world which we will live after few years. If we adapt ourselves to these things then we will never suffer from the upcoming strange outcomes.